What can I eat it with?
“The question is more what CAN’T you eat it with?
If you think of it as a prepped veggie in your fridge ready to go on your plate, choose a flavour that compliments the foods you like to eat and just add it to your meal. Eat it cold or slightly warm as cooking kills the good bacteria.
Two forkfuls a day will provide you with a beneficial amount of probiotics.
Cheese on toast with kimchi is a particular highlight. We have found the kraut and kimchi goes with almost anything savory.”
How long is it good for?
“Store your jar in the fridge even before you open it. It’s good for six weeks. Once you’ve opened it it’s good for another two to three weeks. These are just loose estimates; sometimes it lasts much longer. If it has some mould on top, like jam, you can just take it off and it will be good underneath. When it’s gone off it has an unpleasant ‘cheesy’ smell and is better discarded.”
My kraut is fizzing and bubbling when I open the jar, is it still good?
“The artisan sauerkraut and kimchi we make is a live fermented product. The fizzing and bubbling is just a lively ferment. It’s perfectly safe to eat. The beetroot is particularly lively and prone to overflowing, especially when the weather warms up. We recommend you pop it on a saucer in the fridge to contain its exuberance! ”